The Trolls

The company is captured by trolls.

The Trolls

Bilbo and the dwarves are captured by three trolls one night early in their adventure. The trolls are not very smart and argue about the best way to cook the dwarves and the hobbit. They consider skinning the dwarves, grilling them, or even sitting on them and crushing them into jelly.

Gandalf to the Rescue

As the trolls argue over how to eat the dwarves, Gandalf calls out to them from the dark. He gives them riddles, which they are not smart enough to understand. The trolls are scared and confused by Gandalf and run away when the sun comes up.

The trolls arguing about cooking the company

The Troll Hole

After Gandalf frees the company, they search around the trolls' camp. Gandalf and Thorin find two swords made by ancient elves, Glamdring and Orcrist. Bilbo finds a dagger forged by the same elves that has no name. The blades of these weapons glow blue when orcs are nearby.

The Swords of Gondolin